news and appearances:
Crying Wolf was shortlisted for a 2024 Lamda Literary Award
The Coast included Crying Wolf in their roundup of 6 books by Nova Scotia authors you need on your end-of-year reading lists
Read more at:
The Canadian Independent Booksellers Association included CRYING WOLF in their list of Recomended Reads for June Pride Month 2023!
CRYING WOLF was included in CBC Books list of 70 Canadian Nonfiction titles to check out this spring!
Eden Boudreau shared her favourite indie bookstore with the Globe and Mail to celebrate Canadian Independent Bookstore Day.
Book Review: “In her searing memoir Crying Wolf, Eden Boudreau enacts a reclamation of herself and her strength after a debilitating rape.” – Foreword Reviews
Eden Boudreau joined Open Book as their Writer in Residence for March 2023 to share her thoughts on writing about trauma, the lonely writer and more.
Excerpt from Crying Wolf by Eden Boudreau in the Toronto Star.
Eden Boudreau had the opportunity to curate a reading list for 49th Shelf – Books That Saved Me.
Lori Walker with DIY MFA chatted with Eden about CRYING WOLF and what a typical day of writing is like, how to approach writing about trauma, and so much more.
Crying Wolf has been included in author, Kerry Clare’s curated reading list for 49th Shelf – Lives of Girls and Women.
Excerpt from Crying Wolf by Eden Boudreau from the Hamilton Review of Books.
Eden Boudreau spoke with host, Bianca Marais for an episode of the highly acclaimed podcast, The Shit No One Tells You About Writing!
Crying Wolf was chosen by Lambda Literary as one of their Most Anticipated LGBTQIA+ books for March 2023.
The Write Minded Podcast: Eden Boudreau had the chance to chat with hosts, Brooke Warner of SheWrites and Grant Faulkner of NANOWRIMO about what we risk - and gain - when writing memoir.
Crying Wolf was chosen by 49th Shelf as one of it’s Most Anticipated Spring 2023 Nonfiction Reads!
Book*hug Press and Flying Books invite you to celebrate the launch of Eden Boudreau’s debut memoir, Crying Wolf! Eden will be in conversation with Samantha M. Bailey.
How Not To Fuck Up Your Marriage Too Bad with Stephen Marche: Ep. 5: Can We F*ck Other People? Eden Boudreau appears with others to discuss polyamory as a growing trend in modern marriages, taking the place that open marriages and swinging held for earlier generations.